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A member registered Feb 27, 2017

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Thanks for the fantastic update and all the hard work you are doing to make this game better. All the bugs I recently reported I see are now fixed and I also really love the improved lighting on characters with fur. Great work as always.

All that sounds amazing, great to hear about the progress you are making on making this already great game even better ^^

Thank you for the update to one of my favourite games. I love the character editor and glad to hear you are still working on it. I do have a suggestion though. Only thing I feel missing after many, many hours of play is that the tails only have a base colour and you can't select a colour for the pattern, thus meaning you can only have a pattern on the tail if solid black markings are appropriate for the character. I love the game and that is the only thing I can think of I would have liked that is missing from game currently. If that's tricky to do then don't worry about it as this is only a very minor thing as I am happy just make most of my characters have plain tails with no markings. Thanks again and, although this update might only be minor, I really do appreciate all the hard work you have put into this amazing game and that you are still giving updates to it after all this time ^_^

I've been waiting and hoping for tails in the custom character creator for a very long time and this is awesome. Update may have taken a long time to get but I am very happy with the progress you have made and now one of favourite games is better than ever before. Thank you for all your hard work that I can see went into this impressive update.